“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

13 September, 2010

Bondi Beach

Hey everyone!

It's midterm week! Can you believe it? I'm already halfway done with school and you all are just starting. What is wrong with this picture!!

Since it's midterm week, I had a lot of projects due. Actually, I had three due today. So what did I do? I procrastinated because I wanted to enjoy Australia. Then on Saturday my friend asked if I wanted to go to Bondi with her and two other girls on Sunday. I hadn't started my projects, so I said yes and spent all day Saturday working on my papers and projects and essays. It was worth it though.

So I bet some of you have heard of Bondi beach. It's in lots of movies and it's one of the most famous beaches in the world. It was in the movie "Our Lips Are Sealed" with Mary Kate and Ashley. Anyways, I went there on Sunday. It was really fun. It was a festival called Festival of the Winds so everyone was flying kites and there were kite making stations and carnival food. Some of the kites were HUGE.

It was such a nice day out. It was 72 degrees and sunny. I wore leggings which were perfect, but I wish I would have worn shorts. It was warm enough and my leggings got soaked from the waves!

We ate at an American restaurant for lunch. It had normal ketchup and everything!!!! It was so yummy. I definitely pigged out.

Well I miss you all and I will see you soon! I'm already 1/2 way done with my study abroad trip. AHH!


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