“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

15 September, 2010

Nice to meet you

I've been away for over two months now, and I've probably changed a lot since you've seen me last. I'll let you know who I'm becoming so you still know me when I come back.

I like different foods.

I love homemade pita, with a good stir fry. In my stir fry I like zucchini, beans, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower, peas, green beans and onions. I like all my veggies organic.

If I make something, I like to make it completely homemade. I enjoy making bread with Philip, desserts, eggplant parmesan, chili, vegetable medley, and pretty much anything and everything. I love cooking and baking. I'm probably never going to let my mom cook when I get back :)

If I buy eggs, I like to buy cage free eggs. I still love animals (that hasn't changed.)

I love going for a walk or hike through the forest. I love the sound of birds. I like to bird watch (the birds at home are not as cool so I don't know if I'll keep that up)

I love eating lunch or having a snack with my feet hanging of the edge of the dock while my toes are in the ocean.

I love taking walks on the beach and timing how long it takes me to walk the entire distance of the beach.

I love taking pilates classes. It's somehow relaxing.

I love to people watch.

I love to read and I love to write.

I love to window shop. Even if I don't have any money in my wallet, I like to go into stores and look. I especially like going into antique stores and looking at all the different collections of things they have.

I love to sing in the shower.

I hate messes. I hate when my room is messy. I hate when the dishes are not done. I like my carpet vacuumed. I like the minimalist look.

I'm a more independent person. I love to be around people, but I need alone time too.

When it comes to school, I'm a huge procrastinator.

I drink eight glasses of water everyday.

My new favorite Australian foods are Tim Tams (original, white chocolate, or carmel), Boost Bars, Milo, and Vita Weats. I love the Vita weats dipped in my vegetable medley. My favorite place to get hot chocolate is Max Brenner.

I like chocolate more than I used to. I still can't eat it plain, but I can eat it in other things.

I've changed my post-graduation plans. I'm going to get my masters degree in pharmacy.

I plan to travel for the remainder of my life.

I wear different clothes. My favorite thing to wear is leggings with a comfy sweater or tee-shirt.

I love the city.

I like to wear my hair down.

I don't like make up.

I wake up early.

I like to watch sunsets.

I love to take the train. I love public transportation in general here.

I love walking through and looking at gardens.

I'm sure there is more than I'm forgetting, but this is all I can think of for now.

Nice to re-meet you.


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