“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

03 December, 2010


I felt like my room was so full and that I had so many things. I felt at home.

Now 90% of my belongings are packed away in my two suitcases and I'm nearly ready to go. It's 11:00 pm and I leave in 8 hours and I still have so much to do. I just had a "Boost" smoothie though so I don't feel tired. Besides, I'm going to want to sleep on the plane.

I'm so thankful for my time here in Sydney and all of the travels that I was able to do while I was here. I've seen much more of Australia than I've seen of my own country! That needs to change :) I plan on traveling for the rest of my life. This is just the beginning! I'm only 20 years old!!

I am ready to play my guitar everyday again, kiss my stinky dog, and love on my family. I'm not excited to lose this tan I've accomplished =P

I'm not coming home with an accent (aww man) and I'm sorry Brooke, I didn't find you a man. But I am coming home with lots and lots of storied that you all will be sick of by the second day I get home :) I'm just kidding I will try not to bore you. But I did have lots of exciting adventures and I'm so thankful for being able to come.

I will be home in "less than 20 hours"... what a looooong day December 3rd will be :) Don't worry though, I bought sleeping pills so I don't have to remember it.

See you shortly!

(or Bricky) haha

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