“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

02 December, 2010

It's go time...

I feel like I just got here.

I'm really excited to come home and see my family and friends, but my world still feels like it's crashing because I'm really going to miss my wonderful friends I've made here. Sarah, Clair, and the Dirs family a re some of the best friends I have. I know we will be life long friends, and Philip and I will be back sometime soon.

Right now I'm taking a break from packing. I have no idea how I fit all the things in my suitcase to being with. In one hour, I will be able to say I leave TOMORROW. Oh my goodness.

I have so many feelings and emotions right now. Before I came it felt unreal that I was really coming. Now it feels unreal that I'm coming home! I'm used to my Australian life now, I'm not sure I'm quite ready to adjust. Driving on the left side of the road is not a problem and seems natural. Vegemite when spread thinly is actually not bad (not good either! haha). Even simple things like spending every Tuesday evening at the Dirs house seems 'right'. I'm really going to miss that.

There are many things that I look forward to about coming home though. First off, I can't wait to see my family. I have a new love for each member. I'm not just saying that either, I see things about them that I've never seen or appreciated before. My mom is the most loving and beautiful woman there is. She would do anything to make sure her children are safe and happy. My dad makes so many sacrifices for his family. I'm so thankful that he's worked as hard as he did to get me into a safe neighborhood and in a financially safe home. He has hurt his back day after day just to provide for his family. I'm so incredibly proud of my sisters. Both of them are incredibly smart and stunning too! They seem to have it all :) I love how Cassie does not care what anyone thinks of her. She will wear whatever she wants wherever she wants and she doesn't care. She has a great sense of humor- but a corny one and I love it. I love how she aggravates Teddy and is so athletic. Alicia is incredibly humble and adventurous. Alicia has a very funny and sarcastic sense of humor, but she is one of the nicest people out there. When she believes in something, she stands up for it 100%. What a wonderful trait to have.

Before I thought I didn't really need my family. It sounds horrible, but it was true. My sisters annoyed me, my parents drove me crazy, and I didn't appreciate what they did for me. I'm so thankful for what I have now. I know they are not perfect. I know they will drive me up the WALL... but it's okay. I know that I drive them up the wall too :) And I'm pretty sure that's normal, and I'm positive that it's okay. The difference is that I will not only love my family now, but I will appreciate each member for different reasons.

I can't wait to see my friends and neighbors too! I'm really excited to sleep in a house without cockroaches for the first time in over FIVE MONTHS! The first kiss from Teddy will probably make me cry. I can't wait to see Man Wang and Daniel and my cousins. I'm excited to beat Grammie in a game of rummy and eat Mimmie and Papas delicious chili and desserts.

I'm honestly not excited to go back to EMU. I won't like being away from Philip. I also don't look forward to the plane ride home. (My back is still ruined from the first plane ride to Fiji- no joke. I couldn't get it fixed here, so I will for sure need a chiropractor when I get home.) But even so, I'm extremely excited to re-meet you and become friends again.

It's going to be really weird having American food again. It will be weird hearing AMERICAN accents!!! :) It will also be very strange having to share a bathroom again =P

Tomorrow I'm packing, closing my gym membership, possibly going bowling with the Dirs kids in the afternoon, and donating my things that don't fit in my suitcase to charity such as my pillow.

Friday, Clair and Sarah are picking Philip and I up at 7:00 am and taking us to the airport and I will be home at 6:00 pm "the same day". Yeah, it will be over a 40 hour day.

The first meal I will eat in America will be in Dallas Texas because they have a Taco Bell. I missed it so badly (how sad).

For dinner, Philip and his family and my family are going to Panera- the other food I missed!

It's 11:30 and I'm so tired. I need to wake up really early so I need to get going. I can't wait to see you. Please be patient with me when I get home, I'll probably be an emotional wreck from being happy/sad/happy/sad/happy/sad. I already am!!

Love you all,

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